Monday, December 22, 2008

Coming up next: JoomlaPack 2.1

It's almost a week since 2.0.1 was released, but we haven't been lying dormant. On the contrary, this has been a very productive week with major work having been carried out towards the next beta release of our component, JoomlaPack 2.1 Beta 1. The major highlights of this upcoming release are:
  • Off-site directory inclusion. You can now backup directories above your site's root, provided that your server's open_basedir restrictions allow it. Many webmasters use directories above the site's root to store download repositories and such, therefore it's a handy feature to them :) The off-site directories are stored inside a new folder in the archive, one which does not already physically exist on your site.
  • Extension filters. I've been planning this ever since 1.0, but the code base wasn't mature enough. With this filter you can completely exclude any installed component, module, plug-in, template or even language! This is the absolute step in creating customized sites by performing nothing more than a backup! Note: components' database tables are not automatically excluded because there is no technically sound way to determine which table is owned by which component.
  • Front-end "Light Mode". With an increasing number of ultra-portable Internet-connected devices, ranging from Netbooks to PDA's to cellphones, it's desirable to be able to perform a site backup right from your palm, while on the move. In order to ensure this possibility, the "Light Mode" was invented. Using very plain pages (so users priced on data volume won't suffer) and front-end access, authenticating by means of the "secret word", the light mode enables you to backup your site anywhere, anytime, even while commuting to work or attending that boring meeting!
  • Tar and tar.gz support. The popular uncompressed tar format is based on a modified version of PEAR's Archive_Tar library. The optional gzip compression is realized using your operating system's gzip binary; doing this inside PHP has proved to be an awfully bad idea in the past (remember memory outages on JoomlaPack 1.0.x?)
  • Integrated news reader. We know we release a new version every now and then and that makes it hard for you to keep up. Since the "old" system of updates querying had the potential to cause insane amounts of traffic to our website (therefore it was eradicated in 2.0), we decided to implement a different idea. The new version fetches, caches and displays JoomlaPack's latest headlines through RSS, using the trusted Joomla! newsfeed syndication technology. So, no more remembering to visit, the component's Control Panel does it for you ;)
  • Tons of bug fixes. It's bug hunting season and we came back from our "bug safari" with quite a few trophies! Fallen pray to our hunting skills: a dozen or so sources of PHP notices, JPI3 displaying odd behaviour with multiple database restoration pages, a broken email feature, undesired behaviour of quotas, erratic handling of cache and temporary directories and some few other minor bugs.
Now it's minor tweaking and QA time, so expect a formal beta 1 release somewhere around New Year. It'll be our present to you for the holiday season ;)

Of course, we're still working on other stuff as well, including our Native Tools. But that's the topic of another post, in due time!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

It's the final countdown!

After 6 months in development, countless hours of testing by JoomlaPack Developers, JATS and regular users, fixing a pile of bugs, one alpha and one beta release, we are finally ready to release JoomlaPack 2.0 Stable. So, spread the word around...

JoomlaPack 2.0 Stable
Global Launch

Sunday, December 7th, 2008 - Noon, UTC

Our site will be down for 2-3 days for maintenance and a necessary face-lift. It will be back on-line at the official launch date and time. Meanwhile, let me give you the highlights of this release...

Coded around the Joomla! 1.5 API, the JoomlaPack 2.0 component delivers a high-profile backup solution for your site, while remaining Free, both as in "freedom" and as in "zero price". More powerfull than ever before and compatible with a wide assortment of server setups, it's designed to protect your valuable site. With exciting new features, like live full site or database only restoration and multiple database-only backup, it makes backing up your site a child's play. Our thorough documentation will guide you through and - should the need arise - our stellar support team is always willing to lend a hand, right now and for free!

We wanted to push the PHP site backup technology to its limits ever since the first release, more than two years ago. So, as you readers of this blog already know, we decided to take site backup... to your desktop! AFAIK, nobody attempted this before, but we did. Full fledged multiple site backups running in parallel, right from your desktop, thanks to JoomlaPack and a hefty XML-RPC plugin. The whole thing is called JoomlaPack Remote and will be shipped with this release.

As far as the backup archive extraction is concerned, we've got the traditional command-line suite of utilities called the JPA Utilities (JPAUtils) or, a new addition to the webmaster's arsenal, the vastly improved JoomlaPack eXtract graphical wizard for Windows and all x86 systems running WINE. It's click, click, backup archive is now extracted, thank you very much ;)

Our versatile web-based ZIP and JPA archive extraction tool, Kickstart, is even more powerful and smart. It can write files to your site using the traditional PHP direct file access mode, or the new FTP mode for maximum compatibility with common shared hosts setups. Using the FTP mode, it can automatically work around permission and ownership problems ("ownership hell") which would otherwise give you, the webmaster, a tough challenge trying to restore or upgrade your site.

The default embedded installer is now the JoomlaPack Installer 3 (JPI3), based on the Joomla! 1.5 installer, improved under the hood. It even supports the "auto mode" which - in conjunction with Kickstart - allows for fast two-click site restoration/migration for advanced web professionals.

Welcome to the future of Joomla! site backup.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Tools of the trade

A topic I was willing to cover for quite a while is the toolchain used to build JoomlaPack. Some programmers have even asked me what are the best tools to build Joomla! extensions. While probably not perfect, the combination I'll present here has worked wonders for me.

  • Integrated Development Environment. After having tried a number of different PHP IDE's, I settled for Eclipse PHP Development Tools. An Open-Source project by Zend, the makers of the PHP core engine, it uses the famous Eclipse IDE to provide a thorough PHP IDE. Another alternative is PHPeclipse, but lacks some features which facilitate development and management of large and/or complex problems.
  • Version Control. Tracking your changes and being able to roll back when pooh happens is a must-have for anything more complex than "hello world" software. I regularly use Subversion (affectionately called SVN be everyone). In order to integrate it with Eclipse, I use Subclipse. By the way, this makes up for the best Subversion client I've used so far!
  • Testing server. Every developer needs a local testing server. The easiest solution is to use a prepackaged, easy to install solution, like XAMPP or WAMPserver.
  • Reference book. Joomla! 1.5 offers a very rich and powerful framework. Before setting out to develop an extension for it, it is very useful to read a book on Joomla! extension development. The two books I have read so far are Mastering Joomla! 1.5 Extension and Framework Development (wonderful reference book) and Learning Joomla! 1.5 Extension Development (more like a tutorial, recommended for beginners). Of course you can shop for something else and it probably takes a few tries to find the one which is best for you.
  • Debugging tools. I regularly use J! Dump to gain insight on my code. To be perfectly honest, once I found out about it and began using it, I started to wonder how could I code without it! It replaces your needs for ugly calls to var_dump(), die(), etc.
That's about it, guys and gals. Developing for Joomla! is neither hard, nor expensive. All the tools, save the books, are Free and Open Source software.

Have fun writing some high quality code!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Taking site backup... to the desktop!

Lately I have sporadically "leaked out" some of my thoughts on JoomlaPack's future and features I am working on lately. One particular feature, is providing XMLRPC services. Why is it so important, you might wonder? Well, let's see what XMLRPC is all about.

Most people have published on a blog using a desktop application, be it ScribeFire, Windows Live Writer, w.bloggar, etc. The common feature of all these tools is that you are writing your article off-line and when you're ready you can publish it on your blog. The magic behind the scenes is XMLRPC. This buzzword really means that the client (your blogging software) sends a chunk of XML data to the server (your blog). This is specially formatted so that the server understands it has to perform an action (in this case, post an article). When it's done, it sends a response in XML format back to the client. The client processes it and tells you that your article is posted.

It wouldn't be so much of a deal if it weren't for the XML format itself. It is generic enough to cater for every use imagineable, but it's also very robust that it can be very well described. It is analogous to paper in written communication. While it does not provide the language, it provides the medium on which the language can be carried between the two parties involved. The choice of language (and the interpretation of the messages) is left to the two parties. But it's really cool to know that the message will always be written on paper, neither on stone, nor on papyrous.

Joomla! 1.5.x has two built-in XMLRPC plugins for posting articles. The first is the Joomla! XMLRPC services plugin and the other one is the Blogger API XMLRPC services. This way you can use an off-line blogging tool with Joomla!. In fact, it's the best way to have a newbie post articles in a Joomla! site, because it carries virtually no risk of messing up settings.

This is all very cool, but you are probably wondering where does JoomlaPack fit in? What does this article posting thing got to do with site backups? Well, remember when I said XMLRPC is very generic? It is so generic it can be used any time you want to tell the server to do something and inform you on the outcome. For example, we could tell the server to load JoomlaPack's engine (CUBE), starting a backup and returning us backup status information. In fact, this allows us to control the backup process from any networked device as long as it can connect to our site's server.

The missing piece of the solution is the client part. Ideally, a client would run on any operating system (cross-platform) and be able to backup any site on which JoomlaPack runs. It should even grab a local copy of the backup archive for safekeeping. This piece of software would truly take site backup to the desktop!

Today, in SVN revision 313 (notably, this revision number is the same as Donald Duck's car registration number - I'm a lifetime fan of Donald :D - and has a number of notable properties ), I have commited the first part of the solution, the XMLRPC services plugin. I will now start writing the desktop application in Lazarus, a cross-platform programming environment similar to Delphi. My expectation is that this will be stable somewhere in mid-Q1 2009.

Stay tuned. JoomlaPack is about to redefine site backup.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A new tool in the 'hood!

You talk, we hear. We hear you and we think hard. Then, we come up with a solution, code it, test it and release it. That sums up the development process here at JoomlaPack Developers.

This time, we heard a lot of you complaining that sometimes backup archives are hard to extract. It seems that PHP4 users have a lot of grief with ZIP files, because on their platform the larger files appear to be corrupt with most traditional archivers. A lot of people who don't have an option but to use JPA files complain - rightfully - that this format seems arbitrary and lacks support from visual tools. You talked. We heard you.

Please, welcome JoomlaPack eXtract! eXtract is the latest addition to our utilities collection, with a twist. It is visual extraction wizard running on the Windows(tm) platform, similar in look and feel to the integrated Windows' ZIP extraction wizard. eXtract can extract ZIP and JPA backup archives generated by JoomlaPack. It comes with an installer to make your life easier during installation. Despite being version 0.1, it's usable.

Download eXtract now from our FRS or the mirror.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Updating Joomla! websites with JoomlaPack Kickstart: a step by step guide

This article is long owed to the community. I apologise for taking forever to write it down, but development of the 1.3 version was much more higher in my priority list. In the light of the new Joomla! 1.5.7 release - and having two sites demanding urgent update - I have decided to share the secret with you: It's upgrade time and Kickstart can be used to apply the Joomla! update patches to your site easily. It's really simple, too. Let's go!

First of all, you'll need the SVN version of Kickstart which supports plain file or FTP file access modes, integrates AJAX and JavaScript redirects modes and includes a few more improvements. Since this is not released yet, you can download a developer's preview - but very stable already! - version from here. Extract the PHP file in the archive you've just downloaded.

Next up, you'll need the ZIP version of the Joomla! patch, which you can download from the Joomla! project's file repository site. Depending on which Joomla! version you've already installed, download the appropriate ZIP file. The tar.gz file will not do! For example, if you've got Joomla! 1.5.6 and want to update to 1.5.7 you must download the

Upload the Joomla! ZIP file and kickstart.php to your site's root. If you used FTP, make sure both files' permissions are 0777. Make sure you have a working backup of your site before you proceed! In the unlikely event you run into a problem we want to be sure you can roll back. There are many ways to take a backup of your site, but we obviously suggest you to use the open source JoomlaPack backup component.

Now visit the kickstart.php URL, which is something like, substituting with the full URL to your Joomla! site. In the page presented to you, make sure the update ZIP is selected in the topmost combo box. For the operation method we suggest using the "JavaScript Redirects" method, unless you know what you're doing. Depending on your site configuration you can either use "Write directly to files" or "Use FTP", supplying your FTP connection information as well. Most users will need the second (FTP) option.

After you're done setting up Kickstart, hit the big green "Start" button. You will see your browser reloading the page many times; this is normal. On the final page, click the second link titled "here". As the page reads, you're (almost) done! If you had an .htaccess file on your site, it is now renamed to htaccess.bak. Using an FTP client, rename it back to .htaccess and you're really done, in - virtually - no more than a few seconds!

Try it! I just upgraded two sites in 3 minutes flat (including upload times!).

Editor's Pick and site look

JoomlaPack is the new Joomla! Editor's pick for extensions. We are greatly honored to be chosen. An official announcement of this will be made later on the site.

JoomlaPack has a new site template. The template was designed by JoomlaPraise and it is their Joomla! 1.5 template contest entry. We chose this template because of its clean design and its emphasis on content. There still are some minor problems with the forum version of this template so we're going to give it one last shot before we release it as is. As with anything that changes, things may go wrong so please do tell us on the forums any problems you see with the design.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

The upcoming JoomlaPack 1.3 brings new features

We might be just a few days before the release of 1.2.1 stable, but the JoomlaPack development team doesn't call it a day. We are actively developing the upcoming minor number version of the component. As with all past minor number versions, it brings along many new features. We feel it's only fair to share with you.
  • Joomla! 1.5.x native mode only. If you follow Joomla! announcements you should have known - since about 8 months - that Joomla! 1.0.x development has stopped. No further updates are planned for that version of our favourite CMS. In other words, Joomla! 1.0.x is dead. Period. Our single most major step for JoomlaPack 1.3 was removing J! 1.0.x support and sticking with J! 1.5.x. Not constrained by the limitations of the old generation Joomla! and taking advantage of the empowering Joomla! Framework we have set to develop a modern code base, based on the principles of the MVC pattern, which will be much more easily maintenable in the future.
  • Backup profiles. Until now, JoomlaPack was constrained to a single configuration. Setting configuration parameters and filter options was of an all-or-nothing approach. If you wanted to tweak some filters to get a different type of backup (let's say, filtering out some ill-behaving component) and then revert to your regular settings it was impossible. JoomlaPack 1.3 incorporates backup profiles, an unlimited number of profiles storing configuration option and filter settings. What's more, you can select which profile to use at backup time, even with front-end backup!
  • Backup statistics. You asked for and you get it. JoomlaPack 1.3 will keep a lot of information about each backup taken. This has some nice implications you're gonna love:
    • No more need to reset after failed backup attempts. Based on information from Backup Statistics, JoomlaPack's engine will detect failed backups upon visiting the Control Panel page or starting a new backup, cleaning after them.
    • Describe and comment on your backups. No more need to remember what changes were made between individual backups (applies to backups started from the backend)
    • Ability to keep a limited amount of backup archives on your output folder automatically.
    • More informative backup administration page.
  • Optional non-AJAX mode for the administration. Up until now, if your configuration was incompatible with AJAX you wouldn't be able to use JoomlaPack. After all, it relied on AJAX to operate the filters pages. This is no longer true. All basic operations on the filters pages are now possible to be executed in non-AJAX mode. Just select "JavaScript Redirects" for the "Backup Mode" in the Advanced tab of the configuration. The non-AJAX mode does not apply to some more advanced operations, like checking for database connectivity while editing a Multiple Databases setting, or fetching the default output directory in the configuration page.
  • No more temporary directory setting. Joomla! 1.5.x provides with a standard temporary files location and JoomlaPack uses it. Of course, it needs to be writable!
  • Embedded documentation. The basic set of documentation (help for each JoomlaPack page) will be included with the component, available by pressing the "help" button on the toolbar.
  • Automatic problem detection. There are a number of server configurations which might cause JoomlaPack to fail. We know about them and know how to detect them. The next big step is warning you in advance, right from the Control Panel! It's just like the "You're using the default output directory" warning of JoomlaPack 1.2.1, only it covers a whole lot more situations.
  • Revamped Kickstart. The new Kickstart will have a few changes over its predecessor. For starters, there will be no more two different files for AJAX and non-AJAX mode. The mode selection will be a radio button on Kickstart's first page. We are also planning to implement a FTP mode, to get past servers using Safe Mode and/or have "wrong" permissions.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Roadmap to JoomlaPack 1.2.1

Just over a week ago the stable 1.2 version was released to the public. As always, the stable release signifies the beggining of a new development cycle. This time, instead of jumping straight to developing version 1.3, we decided to improve the latest release in order to produce a safer, more performing, mature component.

This is the list of features we are currently working on, for version 1.2.1:

  • Administrator directory restructuring and change of class names. CUBE is turning to a framework of its own right, built atop the Joomla! Framework. A big step towards full Joomla! 1.5 framework adoption, much of the guts of our component is being recoded to use only J! 1.5 API calls, while providing a backport layer for J! 1.0.x compatibility.
  • Reduce and concatenate the steps (domains) needed to produce a backup. It occured to me that only two domains are actually required and should be present: database backup and file backup. In order to achieve this, a number of changes have to take place:
    • Avoid extracting the installer files to temporary directory. Use the packaged installer files to "seed" the backup file instead. This also has a security enhancement bonus, as no "live" PHP files are written to the temporary directory, eradicating a direct access attack exploiting such files.
    • Use name mangling on temporary files to minimize possibility of direct file access attacks
    • Store the temporary file names and use this table when cleaning up. Moreover, clean up each temporary file right after it's been put in the archive. This is much more reliable than the current method which almost always leaves leftovers.
    • The file list creation and packing steps are merged. This also means that much less data (in number of SQL queries and in total data size alike) is required to be written to database, solving many errors related to db server overload.
  • Drop the "fast" algorithm. It is meaningless on most servers (crashes with timeouts) and the "smart" algorithm is already fast enough.
  • Introduce Magic Numbers for smart algorithm. This will let you fine-tune the smart algorithm's performance to accomodate for slow, overloaded servers.
  • Re-implement translations. It serves a double purpose: get closer to J! 1.5 compatibility and allow the use of semi-automated translation tools on the translation INI files. Some highlights:
    • Introduce upercase INI keys by concatenating header and key, inserting an underscore between them
    • Separate front-end and back-end language files
    • Make a static method CLangManager::_($key) which translates the string like JText::_($key)
  • Error and warning propagation and handling. Right now, if an error occurs in some part of the backup engine, it is not propagated and the process crashes in an unrelated point or completes to a partial backup (or, worse, no backup at all!). The idea is that if an error occurs anywhere in the code, the execution stops immediately, the error message is displayed to the user and also gets logged. In the case of warnings, they will be displayed just below the backup process messages.
  • Distributed AJAX handling. The AJAX proxy will be taken apart and AJAX handlers will be grouped by page, hopefully creating less overhead during the actual backup process.
  • JoomlaPack Installer 3. We are planning on creating the third iteration of our smart restoration script. This time it will be J!1.5-specific, based on the original J! 1.5 installer application. This is much harder than the traditional approach we took with JPI and JPI2, but it will be more forgiving in the case of errors - as you well know JPI2 is notorious for crashing silent when an error occurs during a J! 1.5 site's restoration. It will also cater for changing the cache and temp directories to their defaults if the pre-configured directories do not exist or are not writable, fulfilling a frequently made feature suggestion.

These are quite a mouthfull for a sub-minor number release! Right now the bulk of heavy refactoring is complete, namely the first two points. The rest of them are quite easy to implement, with the exception of the last two points which are bound to consume lots of our time.

The planned release date for 1.2.1 stable is mid-October 2008. Stay tuned!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Migrating a site to Joomla! 1.5: a success story

One of the tasks I had to perform less than a month ago was to migrate a site from Joomla! 1.0.15 to Joomla! 1.5.x. The site's operation couldn't be suspended for more than a few minutes. This was an exceptional challenge for testing JoomlaPack's tools in a real world task. Let's sum up the mission objectives and get to work:

  • The original Joomla! 1.0.15 site must be upgraded to the latest Joomla! 1.5.
  • The same or equivalent components will be used without loss of data, especially in regards to translation and mailing list contacts.
  • The site must have virtually no downtime; a maximum of 10 minutes is acceptable.
  • The resulting site must be fully operational. No broken links, missing images or any other mishap will be tolerated.

Sounds like Mission: Impossible, right? Impossible is nothing, as long as you have the right tools.

Step 1: Back the old site up

One of the things experience teaches up - albeit in a harsh manner - is that things can and will get awry, unless you're prepared for the unthinkable. In this case, the unthinkable is to bring the whole site down by accident, without a way to get it back online to its previous state.

That's why I used JoomlaPack 1.2.b1 (right then it was in a pre-release state) to get a snapshot of the site. Since this was a J! 1.0.x site, I used the -j10 package, which is Joomla! 1.0.x native. In 5 minutes flat the backup copy was sitting happily archived on my hard drive and USB key. I know, but redundancy makes me feel safer.

Step 2: Define the migration strategy

One of the common misconceptions is that when it comes to migration you can only act on a live site. Right? Well, since I did have a site snapshot at hand and a XAMPP for Linux powered machine on my desk, the only safe decision was to try migrating on a locally operated "clone" of the site. The result could be then uploaded and deployed within minutes on the live server.

Furthermore, I decided to have a "safe haven" should the restoration go wrong. For this reason I created a subdomain, with the intent to put the old site in it. It was actually easy; after uploading the site backup archive and kickstart.php I merely clicked my way through the restoration procedure and - presto! - the clone was right there, in the new subdomain.

During this process I also safely checked Kickstart's compatibility with my live server. It turns out that even when I deactivated PHP's Safe Mode, I was still unable to get Kickstart to work. Some head-scratching later, it turns out that the site's root was not writable to the web server user. I just connected to the server with my FTP client and changed this folder's permissions to 0777. That did the trick. This was a useful thing, since I used my newly found knowledge to "fix" the permissions on my main domain's site root folder to avoid any troubles during the restoration of the migrated site (more on that later!).

Next, I repeated the procedure on my local server. Now I had a perfectly working "clone" of the live site on my local server. It's time to have some fun!

Step 3: The actual migration process

It turns out migration isn't as straightforward as you might have thought, or read about. After a couple of frustrating attempts, I came up with the right (as in "worked for me") procedure:

  • Install the migrator component on the original Joomla! 1.0.x site
  • If you had translated the site using Joom!Fish, you'll have to install the respective plugins. Too bad they're only available in their SVN and you have to guess that they even exist! I don't want to be too harsh; after all at the time of this writing Joom!Fish 2 is still in beta. Installing them is simple. Just download the plugins and tables folders and place in the com_migrator's corresponding folders.
  • Run the migrator component, which results in a SQL file. Keep a copy of it, you'll need it.
  • Make a new folder for the 1.5.x site and extract the latest Joomla! 1.5 distribution there. Do not run the installer yet!
  • Copy the SQL file in the new site's installation/sql/migration folder.
  • Make sure the installation folder, subfolders and all contained files have read/write privileges for everyone.
  • Run the Joomla! installation, making sure you select the migration content instead of sample content towards the end of the installation. Tip: Use the same prefix as the old site. Hopefully, nothing went wrong in the process. If not, you'll have to copy the SQL file again and then retry the process. During migration the SQL file gets altered. Why does it have to? Beats me.
  • You have a semi-usable site now. Copy over any media (like, images) from the old site to the new.
  • Install third party components. Remember that you need to activate the Legacy Plugin for components which are not Joomla! 1.5 Native (that's about 80% of the components I guess).
  • If the components offer no backup/restore for their data, copy their tables from the old site's database to the new site's database.
  • Make sure everything is in working order. Otherwise, keep on tweaking.

Step 4: Getting ready for transfer

After all this process was over, I had a fully working site on my local server, all aspects tested out and everything to the client's liking. The next step is to get it online. JoomlaPack to the rescue!

I installed the 1.2.b1 release, using the Joomla! 1.5 Native -j15 package, so I hadn't have to activate the Legacy plugin. In less than 4 minutes a snapshot of the shiny new site was ready on my hard drive. Hey, that was easy!

Step 5: Showtime!

The big moment is here. Everything has to be done in military precision. The site is not to be left off-line for more than 10 minutes. Hey, don't panic. It is really easy, trust me!

First off, I made sure the site's root folder permissions were 0777 and that PHP Safe Mode was disabled. This will keep headaches away later in the process. Then, I uploaded kickstart.php and the new site's backup archive.

I now needed a way to remove the old site and restore the new one. I chose to use SSH to remove the old folders. I could as well have used FTP, but removing the thousands of Joomla! files with FTP takes forever, especially if your host doesn't allow multiple concurrent FTP connections from the same IP address. A few seconds away everything was gone, except kickstart.php and the archive.

Up next, I used Kickstart to get the archive unpacked, ran the installer to get my site restored and than clicked on the relevant links on Kickstart's page to get rid of kickstart.php and the archive.

Phew! Everything was ready now. A quick test and I was done.


JoomlaPack and its accompanying scripts can play an important role during site migration to Joomla! 1.5.x. The steps you can use its time and frustration reducing services are:

  • Backing up the original site (JoomlaPack, J! 1.0.x package)
  • Making a local clone of the original site (Kickstart, JoomlaPack Installer 2)
  • Creating a snapshot of the new site (JoomlaPack, J! 1.5 Native package)
  • Deploying the new site (Kickstart, JoomlaPack Installer 2)

JoomlaPack's multipurpose functions as a site backup and cloning tool can save you time during the migration process, letting you focus on the important part: transferring data to the new Joomla! version. It can provide you with confidence that the end result can be deployed in a matter of minutes, without risking bringing down the live site during the migration process, or to iron out migration-related issues discovered along the way.

But if you don't believe me...

... I can prove my success story. Yes, I know what you're thinking. I am JoomlaPack's author, so it is reasonable - if not selfish - to praise my software. You might even think I made this all up.

The example is very real and the only pitfall in the process was the initial migration (the migration only worked when I copied the darn SQL file instead of HTTP uploading it).

Need more proof? The site I was talking about is that of the Hellenic Association for Adult Education. The new site, facelifted is here, whereas the original site's clone is here. As you can see, the content is there, just the forum format and software changed and the past newsletter issues have been temporarily removed, on client's request.

If you do believe me, after all, ...

... you can use JoomlaPack on your site today. If you have a great success story about how JoomlaPack saved the day for you, send it to us.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Getting closer to 1.2.b1

After having done a lot of work the past few days, we are getting closer to releasing 1.2.b1. The most notable additions are:

  • Support for accessing the backend with HTTPS (still needs some intensive testing)
  • Single file exclusion filter
  • Backing up without using AJAX

The codebase had the HTTP protocol hard-coded in the URL generation part, which made using the component impossible for people accessing their backend through HTTPS. It only got worse if you were actually enforcing the use of HTTPS with an appropriate .htaccess file. The fix I did was rather rudimentary: JoomlaPack chooses its protocol prefix based on whether the server has informed PHP that we were called through the SSL protocol. This feature still needs extensive testingto make sure there are no loopholes in the code and that it supports non-standard HTTPS ports (which means, anything but port 443).

As far as the single file exclusion is concerned, this was an asked for feature for quite a while. Many people want to exclude just that pesky unreadable file their host puts on the website's root. Or, maybe, those two big video files from the downloads directory. You get the picture... The interface is slightly weird, mainly because it just doesn't look like Joomla!. There are two panes, the left one displaying directories and the right one displaying files. You click on the directories to visit them, click on the files' checkboxes to toggle the exclusion status. Pretty easy, but I'd certainly prefer to code a proper tree view on the left side, a la Konqueror, or Windows Explorer :/

The "backup without AJAX" was a last minute addition, after some user had terrible problems with using AJAX during the backup, for no apparent reason. This can happen due to a million reasons, one of them being that the server is overpopulated. Instead of giving up and let frustration get the better of you, you can just switch to the brand new "JavaScript Redirects" backup mode. This is very simple, indeed. After each piece of work performed (a "step" in JoomlaPack jargon), a JavaScript redirect is issued to make the process proceed. It's not the same as the front end backup because it neither uses HTTP 301 headers, nor does it output a blank page during the backup. On the contrary, it outputs the familiar "backup status" messages, albeit in a funny looking way, yet.

All these exciting features were added in SVN 113, just a few minutes ago :)

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Introducing Kickstart and JPA

One of the most notable additions in JoomlaPack 1.2 - which is still in Alpha - is that we now offer a renowned archive format, the JoomlaPack Archive (JPA) format. Its major benefit is that it can be more reliably created in the context of PHP script, such as JoomlaPack. On the downside, it is a custom format, without support from external tools. In here I will tell you not only how you can extract the archive, but how you can easily restore a site's backup too! But first, let's see how and why we got there...

Most people upload files to their sites using FTP. Despite of being the most widely used file transfer protocol for uploading files, it comes with some drawbacks. The most prominent is slow uploads when you have lots of small files. A Joomla! installation is a typical example, with over 3000 files occupying a mere 15Mb. No matter how much bandwidth you have, uploading takes at best half an hour.

Wait a minute! Half an hour for 15Mb worth of files?! It reminds me the dark days when I used PSTN to connect to the internet... But, what else can you do? If you upload the backup archive itself, it certainly gets uploaded fast (the more bandwidth you have, the faster it's uploaded), but you can't "run" the ZIP/JPA file. Or can you?

Using this thought, I decided to create a script which can "bootstrap" the installation process. I won't take credit for the original idea; I took it from the way software such as Joomla.Start works. I just enhanced the original idea in order to:

  • use AJAX-powered, multiple step unpacking, so that it can operate on huge archives
  • support both ZIP and JPA formats
  • handle .htaccess renaming automatically
  • delete itself, the installation folder and the archive after the installation is complete

It has one fundamental limitation, which is actually a limitation of PHP itself: the Safe Mode has to be turned off, or the folder on which you'll extract the archive has to be owned by the same user as the one the web server runs under. Just setting the permissions won't help it.

So far this software is alpha as well and you can get it through our SVN repository (directory kickstart). In order to use it just upload the backup archive and the kickstart.php to your server, then visit Just follow the instructions from that point. In the end you'll have a fully functional site set up in -literally- minutes!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The roadmap to JoomlaPack 1.2

Since mid-March there has been an ongoing development effort towards version 1.2 of the JoomlaPack backup component. There are several new features and enhancements in this version. This post is a brief summary of what we intend to implement. I thought this is the most appropriate very first post on our brand new blog :)

Major features for 1.2

  1. Native mode for both Joomla! 1.5.x and Joomla! 1.0.x using the same codebase
  2. Database Table Exclusion
  3. JoomlaPack Archive Format
  4. "Kickstart" script
  5. Reworked database only backup
  6. Single File Exclusion
  7. Front-end database only backup
  8. Multiple Database Backup

The first five features have already been implemented in SVN revision 100 (most of them have also been available in Alpha 2 released earlier in May), the next two are scheduled for Alpha 3 and the complete feature set will be available on the Beta releases.

Explaining the features

Native mode. So far JoomlaPack has been a component written for the 1.0.x branch of Joomla! and would only work on J! 1.5.x with the Legacy Plugin enabled. Acknowledging that Legacy mode is a resource hog, we decided to restructure the component in order to work as a native J! 1.5 component too. We did make it and now there are two packages disseminated for each release. The one ending in -j10 is a Joomla! 1.0.x native version, whereas the one ending in -j15 is the brand new Joomla! 1.5.x native version.

Database table exclusion. Some webmasters are obliged to run several J!-powered websites on the same database, or they share J!'s database with other scripts' tables. A long-running wish on their part is the ability to exclude arbitrary tables from the backup set. Your wish is our command!

JoomlaPack Archive Format. You have certainly noticed that CRC calculation gives certain hosts a really hard time: invalid CRC calculations cause decompression to fail, high server load on CRC calculation causes JoomlaPack to crash and stuff like that. This is why I thought of simplifying the archive format to something similar to a trimmed-down ZIP file, which doesn't contain the Central Directory record (saving some space and reducing CzipCreator's potential failure points) and having no CRC stored. There is an option to toggle between ZIP and JPA and there is also going to be a PHP unpacking script for JPA archives. Right now, the compression part is ready, the extraction part is under development.

Kickstart script. Currently, as soon as the user downloads the backup archive he has to extract it, upload it to the new server through FTP, fix permissions, rename .htaccess, run the installation, remove the installation directory, restore .htaccess and access the restored site. This is tedious. How about transferring the ZIP to the target server, running a script locally which extracts the archive, launches the installation and removes the installation script afterwards? This is the concept behind what I call "Kickstart". Think of it as a bootstrapper for the installation process. Kickstart is available in the SVN, requires PHP Safe Mode to be disabled and currently lacks documentation.

Reworked database only backup. Most people intended to use this feature to grab a phpMyAdmin-usable database dump of their site. The standard JoomlaPack functionality was to create a database dump suitable for use with JoomlaPack Installer (JPI & JPI2) or the standard Joomla! installer. This behaviour has changed to what most of the users expected: a database dump usable by third party MySQL utilities.

Single File Exclusion. On rare occasions we face hosts storing account configuration files on the server's root. To make things worse, these are owned by another (system administrator) user account, making them unreadable, occasionally causing JoomlaPack to fail. Some other times there is just one pesky big file we'd like to exclude from, let's say, DocMan's documents folder.

Front-end database only backup. Self explanatory, it is. Right now you are only to backup your entire site using front-end only tools. Now you're going to be able to backup just your database.

Multiple Database Backup. I have a site which hosts Joomla! alongside a home grown script. This script uses a different database but I need it for my J! site to function, as its functionality is embedded with com_wrapper. Currently, there is no way to backup another database. This is not very hard to do and at least one user asked for it, so I thought "let's do it". And it's a feature no other backup component has!